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Project Size:
Up to £17 million over four ye

The ATI Non-CO2 Programme aims to fund innovative projects that target the reduction of non-CO2 emissions in the aerospace industry. The programme focuses on three main areas: exploring the characteristics of sustainable aviation fuels, advancing aircraft technologiesto minimise non-CO2 emissions, and enhancing data and operational knowledge.The initiative is part of the broader ATI Non-CO2 Technologies Roadmap, withthe goal of promoting sustainable aviation practices.

Detailed Grant Requirements:

Applicants must present projects that alignwith the ATI’s roadmap and demonstrate potential for significant reductions innon-CO2 emissions. The programme seeks innovations that can be practically applied within the aerospace sector, contributing to long-term sustainability goals. Projects should be designed to advance current understanding and technologies related to non-CO2 emissions, offering measurable benefits to theindustry.


The programme encompasses a wide range ofresearch and development activities, including:

  • Fuel Characteristics: Innovations that enhance the understanding and performance of sustainable aviation fuels, particularly in reducing non-CO2 emissions.
  • Aircraft Technologies: Development of new technologies or the optimisation of existing ones to lower non-CO2 emissions from aircraft.
  • Knowledge/Data Operations: Projects that improve data collection, analysis, and operational practices to better manage and mitigate non-CO2 emissions in aviation



The competition is open to UK-registered businesses, research organisations, and academic institutions. Collaborations between multiple entities, including industry and academia, are encouraged.Non-UK organisations may participate as subcontractors, but the lead applicantmust be UK-based.

Funding Details:

The programme offers substantial financial support, covering up to 60% of eligible project costs depending on the size andtype of the organisation. The total budget of £17 million will be distributedover four years, with the expectation that funded projects will contribute tosignificant advancements in reducing non-CO2 emissions within the aerospacesector.

Additional Information:

  • Project Duration: Projects can span up to four years, with a clear timeline for deliverables.
  • Alignment with Roadmap: Proposals must align with the ATI Non-CO2 Technologies Roadmap, demonstrating how the project contributes to the overall goals of the programme.

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