Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Programme

The Innovate UK Scaleup Programme helps the highest potential businesses realise their ambitions.
Innovate UK Business Growth is the new name for Innovate UK EDGE

The Programme Vision

Delivering growth at scale is at the heart of Innovate UK’s emerging strategy for business innovation in the UK. Innovate UK Business Growth (previously Innovate UK EDGE) is a key enabler of this strategic priority and through the Scaleup Programme, helps the highest potential businesses realise their ambitions.

Scaleups have a disproportionately large economic impact: They bring solutions to market, create highly skilled jobs, drive up productivity and maintain UK competitiveness. It is incumbent on us as the UK’s innovation agency to develop businesses that grow through innovation and can go on to do so at a meaningful scale.

Funded by Innovate UK Business Growth (previously Innovate UK EDGE)
The programme is fully funded by Innovate UK Business Growth as part of their initiative to scaleup innovative UK businesses.
Supported by Inventya
The programme is supported by Inventya. Our expert team will guide you through, and help you get the most value from, the Scaleup programme.

How will the Scaleup Programme support your growth journey?

Expertise, Knowledge & Connections
You’ll have full access to the breadth of our Scaleup Board, where expertise, knowledge and connections are shared and utilised to help your business grow.
Intensive, Customised Support
Based on need, with appropriate time allocation - the Scaleup programme supports you every step of the way and your support time is not limited or restricted to a set number of days.
Bespoke Action
Working with a dedicated Scaleup director, the key barriers to scaling will be identified and discussed, leading to a bespoke action plan being agreed and actioned.
Industry Expertise
Together, the Scaleup director board have expertise across a wide variety of markets, products and geographies.
Funded Support
Our support is fully funded by Innovate UK. Access all the support you need to scale for free.
Strategy & Growth
We can help you build a strategy, develop a plan and deliver your growth goals.
Industry Connections
Find partners across the world, from distribution to manufacturing, research to marketing.
Explore new Markets
From market validation to product exploration we have the expertise to help you scale.
Training & Workshops
Our experienced directors can help your team develop key skills that scale with your business.

Our Board of Scaleup Experts

The Scaleup Board is made up of more than 40 Scaleup Directors and Advisors. Below is the list of the Scaleup Board members who work for Inventya, this is not exhaustive, and when you enrol in the programme you’ll have access to every single valuable member of our impressive and experienced Scaleup Team.
Adrian Allen
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Aldo De Leonibus
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Alex Hope
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Caroline Collins-wood
Innovate UK Business Growth Sacleup Director
Charles Ward
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Chris Ellis
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Chris Price-Jones
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Chris Speakman
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Craig Kermode
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Dominic O’Regan
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Dr Caroline Elston-Giroud
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Elizabeth Soehren
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Emma Douglas-Beet
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Dr. Giulia Sirigu
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Heather Abrahams
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Heather Wright
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Henry Murch
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Ian Sterritt
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
James Doherty
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Jim Tunstall
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Programme Lead
Dr. Joanne Phoenix
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
John Hesketh
Innovate UK Business Growth Sacleup Director
Malcolm Harold
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Mark Harrison
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Mark Kane
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Dr. Molly Price Jones
Innovate UK Business Growth Sacleup Director
Neil Donald
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Nicola Penfold
Innovate UK Business Growth Sacleup Director
Paul Jenkinson
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Peter Cocks
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Prof Deborah Leary
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Dr. Rick Watson
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Scott Storey
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Stephen Hanson
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Steve Bell
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Steve Smith
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Steve Young
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Toyin Abiodun
Innovate UK Business Growth Sacleup Director
Tracey Rob Perera
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director
Viney Chauhan
Innovate UK Business Growth Scaleup Director

How do I join the Scaleup Programme?

1. Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest

Following an initial call with a Scaleup Director to discuss your strategic growth plans and the Programme’s specific value added support, you will be invited and supported to submit an Expression Of Interest (EOI).

contact us today

2. Evaluation by Scaleup Board

Our expert Delivery Board evaluates all EOIs for eligibility. Those EOIs scoring above set thresholds are collectively considered by the Board for progression to the third selection stage: A site visit by two Scaleup Directors.

3. 'Deep Dive' site visit

During the site visit we will get to know more about your business and start mapping out your scaleup aspirations and challenges in order to compile a detailed report, which will comprise the basis of your final stage selection.

4. Scaleup Board final evaluation

After the visit your Scaleup Directors will present your company, via the detailed report to the rest of the board, who in turn collectively decide if you are to be  accepted onto the programme.

5. Implementation

If your application is successful, you will be assigned a Scaleup Director to develop and deliver your bespoke support action plan, addressing the challenges and enablers agreed with you at the site visit.

The programme in numbers


"The Scaleup Programme has been fundamental in getting our heads around what we need to grow our business."

Martin Leeming, CEO

"Aside from capital, our other need is management. This is another aspect where we benefit from being on the Scaleup Programme."

"The Scaleup Programme has given Fast2Fibre a realistic chance to deliver real value to shareholders and to achieve trading objectives."

Paul Hughes, Chairman

"The EEN helped open the doors that we would have found difficult as a small company– and we’ve not had to pay anything for that."

"We are looking to develop global strategic partnerships, and EEN has been able to do that for us."

"Being part of the Scaleup Programme is a great badge of honour."

Tom Dawes, CEO
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Get in touch and start your scaleup journey today
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