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British Academy Horizon Europe Pump Priming

Project Size:
Up to £10,000

Overview:The British Academy, with support from the Royal Society, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal Academy of Engineering, invites proposals from UK researchers and UK-led consortia with EU/Associated Countries-based researchers. This programme aims to foster collaborations to maximize the UK’s involvement in Horizon Europe.

Eligible Disciplines:

  • Engineering
  • Natural Sciences
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Social Sciences

Funding Details:

  • Value: Up to £10,000
  • Purpose: To support collaboration preparation and consortium building, covering costs like feasibility studies, application advice, training, and partnership building.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Proposals must involve UK-based Principal Investigators (PIs) from eligible disciplines.
  • PIs must be from eligible UK-based organizations.
  • Proposals can involve a variety of partners, including SMEs, third parties, hospitals, commercial partners, NGOs, charities, etc.

Assessment Deadlines: Contact with Us

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