Competition opens: Monday 23 October 2023
Competition closes: Wednesday 6 December 2023 11:00am
This competition aligns with the Government’s Levelling Up White Paper and aims tobolster innovation in the Coventry and Warwickshire-based cluster focusing onimmersive and creative industries. Businesses must submit proposals that alignwith one of the three available strands: Round 1 Minimal Financial Assistance(MFA), Round 1 Collaborative Research and Development (CR&D), and ClusterManagement. Be sure to select the correct strand for your project, as transfersare not allowed after submission
Funding type
Project size
Funding requests for individual projects mustrange between £25,000 and £100,000.
Your Proposal
Eligible businesses must be active in orplanning to expand within the immersive and creative industries sector inCoventry and Warwickshire. Projects must focus on immersive and creativeindustries and lead to increased investment in research and innovation.Proposals should also detail how they contribute to equality, diversity, andinclusivity (EDI) within the cluster.
Portfolio Approach
A portfolio approach will be adopted tofund a diverse range of projects. Preference will be given to projects that areshorter in duration, have significant innovation potential, are led bybusinesses already established in the cluster, and show high levels of activityoutside the Greater South East.
Specific Themes
Projects can focus on technologies such asdigital media, mixed media, augmented and virtual reality, virtual production,game engines, 3D environments, simulations, data visualisations, and gesture orfacial recognition. Sectors can include but are not limited to creativeindustries, video game development, healthcare, education, future mobility,manufacturing, retail, tourism, leisure, and sport.
Projects They Will Not Fund
Projects that do not align with innovation inthe immersive and creative industries cluster in Coventry and Warwickshire areineligible. Also, projects requesting less than £25,000 or more than £100,000in funding are not eligible.
We cannot fund projects that involveprimary production in fisheries, agriculture, or relate to road freighttransport. Projects not compliant with De minimis regulations or not eligiblefor Minimal Financial Assistance are also ineligible.
This competition closes at 11am UK time onthe date specified.