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SBRI Healthcare Competition 26 - Stroke

Health & Life Sciences
Project Size:
Up to £500,000 (excluding VAT)

This competition is focused on advancing innovations that address critical challenges in stroke care. The key areas of interest include early diagnosis, improved rehabilitation techniques, and long-term support for life after stroke. A significant emphasis is placed onreducing health inequalities, specifically targeting disparities in stroke carerelated to demographic and geographic factors.

Detailed Grant Requirements:

Applicants must demonstrate how their innovation will directly address stroke care challenges, particularly in reducing health disparities. Proposals should focus on creating solutions that can be implemented in real-world settings and are capable of providing evidence of their impact on stroke outcomes. This includes improving access to early diagnosis, enhancing the effectiveness of rehabilitation, or supporting better quality of life after stroke.


The competition welcomes a broad range of innovations, including:

  • Medical Devices: New or improved tools for diagnosing or treating stroke.
  • Diagnostics: Technologies that enable faster or more accurate identification of stroke.
  • Digital Health Solutions and AI: Innovations leveraging digital platforms or artificial intelligence to support stroke care, especially those that can address disparities in access or treatment outcomes.
  • Service Improvements: Enhancements in the delivery of stroke care services, particularly those that ensure more equitable access to care.


The competition is open to UK and EU-based organisations, including SMEs, NHS organisations, and academic institutions.Non-UK/EU entities can participate as subcontractors, but the lead applicant must be based in the UK or EU. The innovation should be at a stage where it canbe tested in a real-world setting, with the potential to scale across the healthcare system.


  • Health Inequalities Focus: Proposals must outline how the innovation will address specific health inequalities in stroke care, whether through geographic, socio-economic, or demographic factors.
  • Evidence Generation: The innovation should aim to produce strong evidence that supports its value proposition, enhancing the likelihood of adoption by health commissioners and regulators.


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