The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) will invest up to £9.4 million in innovative Vehicle to everything (V2X) energy small scale demonstration projects, under Phase 2 of the V2X Innovation Programme. This is part of the Flexibility Innovation Programme within the £1 billion Net Zero Innovation Portfolio.
Innovate UK are delivering the V2X Innovation Programme on behalf of DESNZ.
The aims of this competition are to:
Your proposal must:
In applying to this competition, you are entering into a competitive process. This competition closes at 11am UK time on the deadline stated.
Your project
Your project must:
You must only include eligible project costs in your application.
Under current restrictions, this competition will not fund any procurement, commercial, business development or supply chain activity with any Russian and Belarusian entity as lead, partner or subcontractor. This includes any goods or services originating from a Russian and Belarusian source.
Lead organisation
To lead a project your organisation must:
More information on the different types of organisation can be found in our Funding rules.
Academic institutions cannot lead.
Project team
Project participants can include, but are not limited to:
To collaborate with the lead, your organisation must be one of the following UK registered:
Each partner organisation must be invited into the Innovation Funding Service by the lead to collaborate on a project. Once accepted, partners will be asked to login or to create an account and enter their own project costs into the Innovation Funding Service.
To be an eligible collaboration, the lead and at least one other organisation must apply for funding when entering their costs into the application.
Non-funded partners
Your project can include partners that do not receive any of this competition’s funding, for example non-UK businesses. Their costs will count towards the total project costs.
Subcontractors are allowed in this competition.
Subcontractors can be from anywhere in the UK and you must select them through your usual procurement process.
You can use subcontractors from overseas but must make the case in your application as to why you could not use suppliers from the UK.
You must provide a detailed rationale, evidence of the potential UK contractors you approached and the reasons why they were unable to work with you. We will not accept a cheaper cost as a sufficient reason to use an overseas subcontractor.
All subcontractor costs must be justified and appropriate to the total project costs.
Number of applications
You can only lead on one application but can be included as a collaborator in any number of applications.
The aims of this competition are to:
V2X solutions for on-road vehicles are in scope for this competition, including cars, vans, buses, freight, special-use vehicles such as emergency response and refuse collection vehicles.
Your proposal must:
As part of your project you must deliver a Trial Report at the end of your minimum 6 month demonstration period.
The Trial Report must contain a detailed report for use by government organisations addressing the following Research Questions, and an Executive Summary suitable for public dissemination. A first draft report containing contents list, introduction, method and early findings addressing the Research Questions must be submitted by 31st March 2025. The final version of the Trial Report must be submitted by 30 June 2025.
If any of these questions are not relevant to your project you must explain why in your application.
Research Questions
What type of energy flexibility did the project deliver?
You must include:
To what extent was the project successful in increasing energy flexibility?
You must include:
Your summary of charging and discharging behaviour exhibited must include:
How has the trial met your commercial ambitions?
You must include:
What were the experiences of participants in the trial?
You must include:
Portfolio approach
We want to fund a variety of projects across different charging protocols (DC CCS, DC CHAdeMO and AC). We call this a portfolio approach.
Within each charging protocol (DC CCS, DC CHAdeMO, AC) the highest scoring application will be successful subject to reaching the 70% quality threshold. The remaining funding will be allocated as per the highest scoring ranked applications.
High scoring proposals are likely to integrate a number of innovative solutions to address bi-directional charging barriers and facilitate electricity system flexibility into a single demonstration project.
Specific themes
Your project can focus on one or more of the following:
This list is not exhaustive.